05 December, 2010

It's Been How long?

April?  How did that happen.  Well actually I know how it happened - I started a new job in April (working for an emergency service call centre) - it was a very rewarding job but the stress robbed me of any creative inclinations.  I didn't really create anything while I was there - the only creativity I was able to muster was to bake.  But sometimes that was even beyond me - I was working shift work including nights.

I made the decision to resign from that job - primarily so I could spend more time with my family but also because I missed and important part of me - my mojo!  I started a new job last week after 3 weeks break and I have felt the creative juices beginning to flow.  I've started making collages again - it feels great.  These are two that I have done - I have some more on the way that I am making for Christmas presents.

 Note to self - work on photography skills!  Any how - I hope there is still someone out there who will stumble across my little corner of Blogland - leave me a comment if you find me here.  I'll be posting more regularly now that my mojo has come home again :-)

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